How to cut vinyl plank flooring with a utility knife?

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If you are in the market for new flooring material, vinyl plank flooring is one of the most popular choices. It has many benefits, including durability and affordability. However, when installing it in your own home, there may be times you’ll need to cut the planks down to size. Here’s how to cut vinyl plank flooring with a utility knife! 

What is the best method to cut vinyl plank flooring with a utility knife?

In this article, we will be looking at how to cut vinyl plank flooring with a utility knife. It is a guide that can help you layout new flooring in an area of the home.

Step One: The first step in cutting vinyl plank flooring with a utility knife is to lay out the planks. To create a pattern, start with one plank and measure off your measurements to continue accurately cutting them for this job.

Step Two: To cut the first line into each of these vinyl plank flooring pieces by placing it onto a hard surface like concrete or stone flooring, which would act as an extra level of protection.

Step three: Step three is to use a sharp utility knife with a blade that you have purchased at your local hardware store or online retailer, and then begin cutting the vinyl flooring pieces on top of these measurements, which you made in step one. Use smooth motions when applying pressure while doing this task for the best results.

Step Four: The final step is to remove any debris from inside each of these cuts after completing it using some wire brush tool to be ready for installation afterward if needed. It will be helpful later on when applying glue over them before placing them down correctly onto the surface below where they need to go according to rock-solid placement like concrete tile flooring underneath here too!

How To Cut Curves In Vinyl Plank Flooring With A Utility Knife?

Cutting curves in vinyl plank flooring with a utility knife is an art form. There are many videos and tutorials online on doing it, but we’ll give you the basics here.

Step 1: The first step in cutting curves in vinyl plank flooring is to measure the length and width of the area you will be cutting. Make sure that it’s not a tight curve.

Step 2: Next step in cutting curves in vinyl planks is making marks along the edge of your pattern with a pencil or pen. You can use something like an old credit card or ruler if you don’t have one handy – anything thin enough to fit under the line but broad enough so that you can see what you’re doing from above should do fine.

Step 3: The next thing would be marking out where each piece needs to go starting from whichever end looks easiest for you (we recommend measuring up both ways).

Step 4: Next, you need to do this for all the pieces you need to cut. The more measurements and marks, the better – but remember that this is a job best done on a flat surface with plenty of elbow room!

Step 5: Now it’s time to pick up your utility knife – if yours has one, we recommend using one of those green-handled ones as they’re much easier to hold onto than others (ask us how we know!). You can also use any other cutting blade or craft knife that’s sharp enough for vinyl flooring. If not, feel free to improvise – be careful when doing so!

The next step in cutting curves in vinyl planks is making sure that no loose strings are hanging out from underneath the pattern piece. Again, make some gentle cuts util the job done without any scratching.

What Tools Can You Use To Cut Vinyl Plank Flooring?

If you are installing vinyl plank flooring in your home, you must know what tools you need to do the job. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used tools for cutting vinyl plank flooring:

1) Table saw:

A table saw can be cut through plywood or other sheet materials that may be too thick for a circular saw. It also has a vertical blade that allows you to make precise cuts at an angle. 

2) Circular Saw: 

The circular saw can be set up with various blades and specialized attachments depending on the material that needs to be cut. The circular saw is also the preferred tool for cutting wood or plywood.

3) Band saw:

A band-saw will allow you to make very accurate curved cuts, even in thicker pieces of vinyl plank flooring. It makes it worthwhile to work around edges and corners where straight lines are impossible, but large curves need to appear seamless from one piece to the next.

4) Jigsaw: 

The next tool that we can use to cut vinyl plank flooring is a jigsaw. There are many different types of saws that you can use with vinyl plank flooring, but the safest is a type of fine-toothed jigsaw blade. The teeth on this blade allow you to make very clean cuts in any direction without causing tear marks or chipping along edges where two pieces meet together.

5)Utility Knife: 

The next tool that we can use to cut vinyl plank flooring is a utility knife. It is a very simple tool to use, but it can be dangerous. The blade on this device will need frequent replacement, and you have to make sure that the direction of your pressure while cutting results in smooth cuts without tearing or ripping along edges where two pieces meet together.

6)Osciliationg tool: 

The final tool we can use with vinyl plank flooring is an Oscillating Tool (or Multi-tool). Many people who are new to working with wood floors find utility knives difficult because they require so much pressure when making straight lines across long flooring spans; the oscillating multi-tool allows for quick work in tighter spaces like corners and around appliances or appliances furniture legs due to its small size. In addition, it doesn’t produce tear marks on your flooring. 


Cutting vinyl plank flooring with a utility knife is easier than you might think, but it does require some patience. The key to cutting this material successfully is making sure the blade of your knife remains sharp and new for as long as possible. You also want to make sure that you’re using a straight edge or ruler when measuring your cuts so the pieces will fit together nicely without any gaps between them. Keep these tips in mind if you’re planning on installing vinyl planks yourself!

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