What can be an obstruction to waves

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A wave is a disturbance that moves through space and matter transferring energy from one place to another. There are two types of waves, longitudinal and transverse.

  1. Longitudinal waves move particles in the direction the wave travels.
  2. Transverse waves move particles at a right angle to the direction the wave travels.

Common causes What can be an obstruction to waves? are wind, earthquakes, and explosions.

  1. There are two main types of waves. Mechanical waves propagate through a medium, and the substance of this medium is deformed. The deformation reverses itself owing to restoring forces resulting from its deformation.

For example, sound waves propagate via air molecules colliding with their neighbors. When air molecules collide, they also bounce away from each other (a restoring force). This keeps the molecules from continuing to travel in the direction of the wave.

  1. Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. These types vary in wavelength and include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light (which includes ultraviolet and infrared radiation), X-rays, and gamma rays.

obstruction meaning

Obstruction is a term used to describe a blockage in the airway.

From a physics point of view, an obstruction meaning that can interfere with the movement of energy. It’s not so much a “thing” as it is a concept.

For instance, if you were observing electromagnetic radiation traveling through space, you might see some “obstructions” in the form of planets or stars blocking the path. If there were no other obstructions in the way, you’d be able to see things on the other side of that planet or star.

Sound waves are another example for understanding obstruction meaning. Mounting an obstacle directly in front of a sound source will change how much sound reaches your ears from that source.

In both these instances, we could speak about the object obstructing an object that is reflecting or absorbing the energy in question (light rays or sound waves).

In this case, the word “ obstruction meaning ” isn’t a description of any particular thing — it’s more like giving a name to a certain effect.

What creates wave

A wave is created when a source of energy causes a disturbance in the surrounding medium. The collective motion of particles during an earthquake will result in seismic surface waves that can propagate too far distances. Similarly, the vibrations of a guitar string are the cause of the creation of sound waves that move through the air.

What creates waves in water? Water waves are created when an object such as a stone is dropped into the water. The circular waves spread out from the center and are called ripples.

What is another name for a very long wave?

Waves are waves with wavelengths of between 1,000 and 10,000 km. Both the radio and the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum are called longwave radiation.

The term is a historical one, originating in the early 20th century when the radio spectrum was considered to consist of the long, medium, and short-wavelength radio waves (LW, MW, SW). Most modern radio systems and devices use wavelengths that would then have been considered ‘ultra-short’.

In contemporary usage, the term longwave is not defined precisely; sometimes it refers simply to all frequencies up to 3 GHz. At other times it refers to the range between 1 and 30 MHz.

Question: What is another name for a very long wave

A VERY long wave of the electromagnetic spectrum is a radio wave

A long wave is a radio wave that is about 20,000 – 120,000 Hz (20 – 120 kHz),

and a short wave is about 1,000,000 – 25,000,000 Hz (1 – 25 MHz)

what could be an obstruction to waves brainly

What causes an obstruction to waves? A wave is a type of energy that moves through matter. Water waves, sound waves, and light waves are all examples of energy moving through a medium. A wave is a type of energy that moves through matter. Water waves, sound waves, and light waves are all examples of energy moving through a medium.

Disturbance in the path of a wave can be caused by:

1. A change in the medium.

2. Obstruction of the medium.

3. Reflection due to the change in direction of the wave.

Waves travel in straight lines because no matter what direction a wave is traveling, all the points on a wave are moving at right angles to the direction of the wave.

Waves can travel through solids, liquids, and gases but they need a medium to transmit their energy. This means that they need something like air or water to carry their energy from one place to another.

what could be an obstruction to wave in tagalog

Waves can be reflected, refracted, and diffracted. These are the possible reasons for what could be an obstruction to wave in Tagalog:

  • Reflection​—an obstacle or barrier to the wave causes it to bounce off and change direction. The wave bounces off the barrier at the same angle that it hit the barrier. ​The wave will be reflected if it hits a flat surface or a large object.
  • Refraction​—if a wave passes from one medium to another (for example, through the air, and into water) then the speed of the wave changes and so does its direction. This is called refraction. Refraction also occurs when a wave travels over different types of ground, such as sand or rocks.
  • Diffraction​—a small obstacle or gap in a barrier will cause part of the wave to go through, while the rest is reflected. The waves bend (diffract) around the obstacle or through the gap. This effect is called diffraction. If there is a small gap in a wall, then the sound will be able to get through and you will still hear what is happening on the other side of the wall.

why do you think the wind is the most common cause of waves?

The wind transfers its energy to the water through friction. The harder and longer the wind blows, the bigger the waves get.

The wind tends to blow in a particular direction, so the waves generally move in a similar direction.

So there’s a lot of seas out there, and a lot of wind. But other things can cause waves too. Earthquakes happen all the time, but most of them aren’t near enough to the surface for us to feel them. When we do, however, they can be quite strong – such as the magnitude 9 earthquake that hit Japan in 2011. Other disturbances such as landslides and volcanic eruptions also affect our oceans.

So the answer to “why do you think the wind is the most common cause of waves?” is:

But when it comes to waves, nothing compares with the power and consistency of strong winds blowing over long distances along huge stretches of the ocean like you find in our southern oceans.

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