How to sleep with piriformis syndrome?

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Piriformis syndrome is a condition that causes pain in the buttock and lowers the back. There are many reasons why you may have piriformis syndrome, but one common reason is sitting too much with your hip flexor muscles tight. A problem with the sciatic nerve can also cause it. The good news is that you can do some things to help yourself during the day or at night when sleeping to relieve this pain! Let’s take a look How to sleep with piriformis syndrome?

What is the best way to sleep with piriformis syndrome?

Piriformis syndrome is a condition that affects the sciatic nerve. It can cause pain in a person’s hip, buttock, and leg. The piriformis muscle sits deep within the buttocks near the center of your body. When this muscle contracts, it may pressure or irritate the sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back to your feet through your buttocks and down your legs. People with piriformis syndrome often experience pain when sitting for long periods and difficulty walking upstairs or getting out of bed due to tightness in their hips and hamstrings.

  • One way you can sleep with piriformis syndrome is by using an inflatable cushion like an air mattress or sofa pillow to help relieve pressure on the buttocks.
  • Another way to help relieve the pressure is by sleeping with a pillow between your knees which takes some of the piriformis muscle.
  • It may be helpful for you to try sleeping in the fetal position with pillows under your belly and pelvis and behind your lower back. Start gently so that you don’t exacerbate any pain, but over time, this type of sleep positioning can help reduce discomfort due to tightness in muscles around the hips, pelvic area, and legs.
  • It would be best if you didn’t sleep on your stomach with piriformis syndrome because it puts pressure on this muscle, making it worse. It would be best if you slept on your back or side to relieve pressure off the piriformis muscle and help alleviate some symptoms for better quality sleep during the night.
  • It might also help to get a massage or do some physical therapy because the piriformis muscle will begin to ease up and feel better after you use it enough. If this does not work, consider wearing compression shorts during sleep time which can reduce pain and improve blood flow through your legs while sleeping at night for more relief.

While there are many ways people have tried getting relief from their symptoms while they sleep, these three steps should give you an idea about what might work best for relieving pain during nighttime hours without pain. 

What type of pillow mattress people should use with Piriformis syndrome?

There are many different pillows and mattresses that people can use to help make their Piriformis syndrome symptoms better. However, it is important to note the differences between them first. Here we will detail these differences so you can make an educated decision about what type of pillow or mattress you should consider for yourself or your loved one with Piriformis syndrome.

Pillow types:

Pillows people suffering from Piriformis syndrome might want to consider using include:

• Memory foam pillows.

• Neck pillow with ergonomic design.

Contour neck pillow designed for proper support for the head and neck while sleeping on your back or side, which can help reduce pain in the lower back area caused by poor posture while laying down at night.

The Back Sleeper Pillow- If you tend to sleep on your back more often than not, this is an excellent option because it provides optimal neck and head alignment during rest time by keeping your spine straight all night long, even if you move around in your sleep.

Side Sleeping Pillow – This type of pillow is best for those who prefer resting on their rather than back or stomach. Moreover, this pillow is also great for those suffering from neck and shoulder pain as well.

Stomach Sleeper Pillow – If you are a stomach sleeper, this particular type of pillow would be an excellent choice because it will keep your spine in the right position while sleeping on your belly, eliminating any back or neck pains that may occur due to bad positioning during sleep time.

Mattress types:

If you are looking for a mattress to use when trying to sleep with this condition, try out one of these options instead:

• Latex Rubber Foam Mattress Topper – This type of mattress offers excellent pressure relief, which helps keep weight evenly distributed across your body even while lying down, causing less overall discomfort during sleep time. 

• Memory foam mattress topper – This type of topper can help redistribute your body weight evenly while sleeping. It also offers great support, which will keep you from sinking into the surface material, causing that uncomfortable feeling when lying down on a bed with this condition.


Q. Does piriformis syndrome get worse at night?

  1. Yes, it can get worse at night. It is because when you’re sitting for a long time, the piriformis muscle contracts and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Moreover, there are many different ways that piriformis syndrome can get worse at night, including stress, pregnancy, and sitting for too long.

Q. What side should I sleep on with piriformis syndrome?

  1. It would be best if you slept on your side with a pillow between your knees. However, if you’re still experiencing pain, more things can help. It truly depends on how much pain you experience. If you’re in a lot of pain, it’s best to try and sleep on your stomach. Alternatively, if the pain isn’t too, you can sleep on the side. 

Q. Does piriformis syndrome hurt when sleeping?

  1. If you’re having trouble sleeping because of piriformis syndrome, I recommend lying on your back with a pillow under the knees. While there isn’t a consensus on which side you should sleep on, most medical experts recommend sleeping on your back. However, if the pain is very bad during the day or night, make sure to talk with a doctor about different treatment options for your pain. 

Q. How do I relax my piriformis muscle?

  1. I know how frustrating it can be when you have tight muscles in your buttocks. I usually take time off of work to do some stretches. You should try yoga because it’s gentle on the body and mind, which is just what you need during times. One way to relax your piriformis muscle is to get a massage. I recommend this because it’s easy, cheap, and improves blood flow. Moreover, Lay flat on your back and squeeze a tennis ball between your knees. It will help release tension in the piriformis muscle, which is located near the buttocks.

Q. How do I stop piriformis pain at night?

  1. I know it’s hard to get comfortable at night when you’re experiencing piriformis pain. So the first thing I recommend is getting up and stretching the affected muscle (your piriformis). To stop piriformis pain at night, it is important to stretch your hips. Stretching will help you relax the muscles in your pelvis and lower back.


Whether you’re suffering from piriformis syndrome or want to know how to sleep with piriformis syndrome, these tips and tricks will help. Try them out for yourself! We’ve tried our best to be as thorough as possible with this list of things that can help someone who suffers from piriformis syndrome in their hip region. The goal is simple – we want everyone to have a restful night’s sleep, so they feel better the next day. Let us know if any of these hacks work for you or what other suggestions would be helpful below in the comments section!

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