What do all the electromagnetic waves all have in common

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Electromagnetic waves come in many different shapes and sizes, but what do all electromagnetic waves all have in common? In this, we will discuss the four main properties of electromagnetic waves and how they differ. We will also explore what these waves are used for and how they are created. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, light, ultraviolet, Xrays, and gamma rays are all examples of electromagnetic radiation.  The electromagnetic spectrum includes all of these waves. 

what do all electromagnetic waves have in common brainly?

Electromagnetic (EM) waves all have the same velocity and can travel at the same speed as light. These waves consist of electric and magnetic components. You can say that all the radiations possess the same physical characteristics.

Electromagnetic waves are all what have in common as well as what sets them apart from other forms of energy. These waves share what is called an “electromagnetic field”. This field shares what characteristics they may have with one another, but also what separates them from each other. In this article, we will learn what electromagnetic waves are and what makes them different from one another.

In general, electromagnetic waves are created when an electric field vibrates perpendicular to a magnetic field. This interaction causes the formation of what is known as an electromagnetic wavefront. The strength of these waves depends on the amount of energy that is put into them; for instance, sunburns are caused by high-energy ultraviolet radiation. While some types of electromagnetic radiation can be harmful, others (like radio waves) are harmless and even beneficial to humans.

Electromagnetic waves only differ in their frequency and Wavelengths. All kinds of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum possess different wavelengths as well as different frequencies. As light is consists of electromagnetic radiations such as Radio waves, ultraviolet and X-rays requires medium to travel but they all differ in their wavelength and frequency.

All electromagnetic waves have the same velocity and can travel at speeds comparable to light. They also carry an electric component, which causes them all to behave like particles with physical characteristics similar enough for this discussion purposes that we will refer back to when discussing specific types such as radiofrequency radiation or microwaves.

what are the 4 main properties of electromagnetic waves.

All the Electromagnetic radiations or waves exhibit a transverse nature. As we know that the production of electromagnetic radiations only happens when an electric charge oscillates. This oscillating charge produces an electric current due to its oscillation and respective magnetic current is also observed due to this electric current. This magnetic current is perpendicular to the electric current which produced it according to the right-hand rule. These produced currents are both perpendicular to the propagating waves according to the same rule. This was proven by Maxwell that both the electric and magnetic currents are perpendicular to the direction in which the waves are propagating. The components of both the electric and magnetic fields are zero along the propagating wave’s direction due to this perpendicular relationship. This perpendicular nature of transverse waves differentiates them from the longitudinal waves which exhibit a parallel nature.

Unlike mechanical waves like sound waves, electromagnetic waves do not require a mechanical medium to travel and to transfer energy from one place to another. These can also travel in a vacuum with a speed of 3×108 m/s. By the electric charge vibration, electromagnetic waves are created having both magnetic and electric parts. Transports of energy by these waves through a vacuum is with the speed of light and through any material medium with a net speed less than the speed of light. In the transport of energy absorption and reemission of wave energy involved. An electromagnetic wave when falls on material medium wave energy absorbed which causes vibrations of electrons within their atoms. After a short time of these vibrations, a new electromagnetic wave is produced by these vibrating electrons having the same frequency and wavelength as the incident wave. As this electromagnetic wave reemitted, it travels through space between the atoms with the speed of light. When it approaches the next atom is absorbed by it and causes vibrations and then again emitted an electromagnetic wave of similar properties. The speed of the electromagnetic wave will be less than the speed of light which is caused by the absorption and the reemission of the process. So the speed of light depends upon the nature of the material medium through which the electromagnetic wave is traveling because different materials have different optical densities. So the delay time due to absorption and reemission will be different for different materials.

All the electromagnetic radiations or waves are reflected in nature. Reflection of electromagnetic waves means bouncing back of EM ( electromagnetic ) waves after collision with a certain reflecting surface i.e. mirrors and glasses etc. This bouncing of electromagnetic waves happens since the reflecting surface is the boundary at which two materials exhibit different EM properties i.e. the boundary between air and glass or the boundary between water and air. This bouncing of EM waves gives us important information i.e. the nature of reflecting materials or reflectors. This reflection of EM waves reflects the reflectivity of that material i-e the ability to reflect electromagnetic waves.

All the electromagnetic waves show refraction phenomena such as ultraviolet, infrared, microwaves, radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays. But only by visible light, we can see. When all waves in the form of light pass through a glass prism, rainbow spectra are formed by splitting of light by the phenomena of refraction. As all electromagnetic waves have different frequencies and wavelengths, the Refraction of electromagnetic waves depends upon their wavelength. The shorter the wavelength greater will be the refraction and the larger the wavelength smaller will be the refraction. Refraction of violet light is higher and red light refraction is least which causes spectrum when passing through a glass prism. Refraction is when a beam of light when a pass from one medium to another medium of different density, it will bend at to some angle, and this bending are called refraction. The refraction of the electromagnetic wave is associated with the speed of light. When electromagnetic radiations waves go through from one medium to another medium their speed and associated properties changed which causes the change in the direction of electromagnetic waves. The extent of refraction can be explained by the index of refraction which is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the light speed in a medium. As the refractive index increases, the speed of light in that medium decreases and the wavelength increases. It depends upon the wavelength of incident light. With the change in direction of electromagnetic waves when passing from one medium to another, the wavelength and Rays speed of all electromagnetic waves changes from incident light.


This article will assist you to provide useful information about what do all electromagnetic waves have in common. All electromagnetic waves exhibit some common properties as they all are transverse waves, travel at the speed of light, and can travel through a vacuum. All the electromagnetic waves show diffraction and reflection properties when traveling from one medium to other. These waves exhibit different properties such as all kinds of waves have different wavelengths and frequencies.

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